1 thought on “What is the use of "Diablo 2" jewelry?”

  1. "Diablo 2" jewelry has inlaid effects.
    The inlaid effect of the gem is a bit similar to the rune, that is, the effect of inlaid in different parts may be different. For example, the yellow perfect gem inlaid to the armor and helmet can provide 24%mf (treasure hunt) value. Provide 40%lightning resistance. Inlaid to the weapon is to increase 1-40 lightning damage (this damage can be attached only by physical attacks, and the spell attack is invalid).
    So when inlaid gemstones, be sure to see the actual effects of different parts, otherwise the slot of the equipment will also waste gems. Of course, inlaid is wrong, you can use the 15 runes back to the city scroll inlaid equipment to put it. Wash the inlaid in Huladik (only holes and inlaids disappear).
    The quality of gems from low to high is fragmented, cracking, square, no time, perfect, and perfect. Three quality of the same color can be synthesized to the high level. After synthesis Essence
    can also use the gem temple outside the city to quickly obtain the perfect gemstone. The operation process is to bring a gem with no time in the bag. If you click on the Gem Temple, a perfect gemstone will drop the same type (the effect of the gem temple is to let the bag make the bag The quality of a gemstone in the bag is improved first, and if there is no gem in the bag, it can only be randomly dropped and cracking gems).

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