1 thought on “There is a rose red gem meaning at the bottom of the diamond ring”

  1. There is a rose red gem at the bottom of the diamond ring that means: those who wear rubies will be healthy, smart, wise, and happy.
    also represents the honor of value. This diamond ring has a very large symbol in our love. According to understanding, in fact, Rose was left by Adam and Eve. Tears represent the infinite thoughts between the two people. It has very big love, the glory of holy, and represents the happiness in our lives.
    Extension: Diamond ring, a diamond jewelry worn on the fingers. Diamonds are the hardest of gems. The ancient Romans always thought it represents life and eternity. By the 15th century, it was recognized as a symbolic meaning of marriage that is unswerving. Wearing a ring is a language of love. The ring is generally worn on the left hand (it is not convenient to do things in the right hand) abroad.

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