Where is the specific address of the wholesale gold in Chenghuang Temple?

I want to buy a bracelet. I heard that it was very cheap there, and many local people bought it there. I have the trouble of knowing the specific address, tell me, thank you.

2 thoughts on “Where is the specific address of the wholesale gold in Chenghuang Temple?”

  1. You simply go to the city's square, and the transportation is convenient. It is 2618266 in Suning and the parking lot in the middle of the church next to the Drum Tower. Taobao is all available on Taobao. Intersection

  2. There are a lot of gold shops, silver buildings, etc., Lao Fengxiang, Yayi, etc., the price is not cheap. Remember to have a family on Fanghuan Middle Road. In short, you should know the local residents when you go to the local area.

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